Path of the Paradigm-Shifting Practitioner

When I was training as a Coach over a decade ago, I was blessed to have 2 incredible teachers, Anne-Marie Crowther and Deborah Bernard who showed me my blind spots. And over the years I’ve been privileged to have Supervisors who have helped me see into the greatest depths of myself. 

Professional development work is not just about making changes to the way we work and getting new skills. For me, It’s fundamentally about the blind spots, blocks and burdens WE carry, and how those are affecting our ability to fully trust our clients to lead and transform themselves. And this has EVERYTHING to do with our own ability to trust ourself. Or shall I say, we find the parts that don’t trust fully and work with them. 


Here are 3 hidden AGENDAS of my parts that I had to face up to when developing my professional practice and CLEAR…

#1: ‘They can’t do it’ – This was a HUGE one, fundamentally blocking my clients ability to heal THEMSELVES.

#2: ‘They shouldn’t do that’– The belief that I KNOW best and so I’ must RESCUE or FIX them is a big karmic drain.

#3: ‘They’ll never get to that point’ – This one was directly related to DISTRUST in myself. If my parts don’t trust me to get there, they won’t trust others.

These three phenomenon are a core part of the journey that all practitioners face, as we move into a focus on INTEGRITY – our set of self-imposed values and principles.

However, I have observed, that this is a missing dimension in the wellness education industry and is not supported or taught. We are not INITIATED through these portals by our teachers and elders, and therefore we have generally lost the structure of integrity that is needed in order for us to move in an appropriate manner.

Transference and countertransference is a real and important aspect of our work we must consider.

Transference is where our parts are unconsciously affectedly our clients story, challenges or experience and we are not in a self-led state/presence with our clients.

Countertransference is where our parts unconsciously project onto our clients, and again, we are not in a self-led state/presence with our clients.

Self-leadership, therefore is the easiest and fastest way to get real with ourselves, where we are at and give our parts what they need in order to be witnessed, acknowledged and worked with. We can learn to be with our parts as they arise and learn to not let them interfere with the therapeutic relationship. This takes great discipline, a set of muscles that absolutely must be trained in the path to evolutionary professional practice.

This is one of my great passions and very strategic positioning of my offers. I am here to guide and support this process for you to join this paradigm-shifting movement of practitioners.

We can no longer afford to waste our energy on ineffective means of therapeutic methods and processes, as the environment is becoming increasingly harsh and people are waking up to their needs on mass. We must invest in the cutting-edge, efficient and effective tools that allow us to do this trauma-informed work deeply and safely.

That stability starts with our own internal systems. When we can mirror this to our clients, we can take them to the depths we have been ourselves.

Here are 3 ways to becoming a paradigm-shiting practitioner:

#1: Reflection – Develop reflective practices like meditations where you sit with yourself and listen to your parts, journaling and getting client feedback.

#2: Supervision– Get a Professional Supervisor in your field that uses Internal Family Systems as their backbone in order to bring your blindspots and other parts to the table and get help to uncover the root of their beliefs and behaviours.

#3: Community – Join a community to engage in reflective and evolutionary conversations with like-hearted practitioners and share ideas, tools and tips.

We are honoured to hold a beautiful space in our community with our students, clients and others in the tribe that are on a path of self-leadership and evolutionary practice. The encouragement we have for one another helps to bolster our own inner discipline and keep each other inspired. We are constantly growing together and developing high integrity practices.

We also have a new Mentorship which can support you with your professional and personal development needs and is designed around the Path Of The Paradigm-Shifting Practitioner.


To find out about how our new Mentorship, ROOTING INTO THE EARTH can help you grow your professional and personal practice, visit our website here. We are currently offering a whopping 60% off to you our esteemed community before the fee goes to full price in November. We hope you can find the time to check it out.

In deep gratitude and reverence to you!

All our love, Natasha Anand & Roop Sagar xox

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