Become A Master Manifestor

Often we approach this subject though the simple act of Intention Setting. What is it? Why and how do we do It? Firstly, let us share a little theory in relation to manifestation as creative beings, flow state and potential. The formulae for being in effortless flow, where what we desire and need comes to us without having to search for it (sometimes this is necessary!) is outlined below. 

When we are able to be in the present moment, we can work on purifying our desire and elevating our emotion around that desire. For example, rather than worrying about needing support for something challenging, I can acknowledge and work on those parts and put energy behind the desire to achieve my goal because of the meaning it has and love for it. I tend to my vulnerable parts (rather than bypassing or suppressing them), purify or unburden their worry and call in a desire to be supported in my endeavours, knowing that when I am, it will mean my intention has a positive impact. 

Now, it may be that a whole piece of work is required for us to identify our fears, worries, anxieties and so on, that are blocking us from believing we can manifest, or from putting energy towards our endevours. This is crucial. Countless repetition of affirmations are not going to help us here. This is where the technology of manifestation often gets blocked. We must unblock.

When we do, the emotions we feel surrounding these become elevated and the energy around the whole intention is stabilised. That becomes the future potential that I project out into the world. 

The electromagnetic frequency of that projection is far greater and will magnetise the support which is at a level that matches it. Rather than attracting help that ends up being more hassle and work than it’s worth.

When we consistently project out these higher vibrations into the aether, we send out ripples that create powerful effects and magnetise opportunities and abundance for ourselves and others. 

When we then combine this with specific techniques, processes and rituals we can establish ourselves as the alchemist much more fully. SPecifically I am referring to the practices related to the elements and praying.

To pray effectively – we first open up our channels to receive and tune in, we make offerings to the Divine, we then share our prayers. The law of reciprocity plays an important role – we give first and receive later.

When we make offerings, or engage in rituals with the elements, we are able to open up the matrix and insert our code – because we as establishing ourselves as the Creator. 

Through the combination of all the tools above, we are able to collapse into the most favourable timeline for ourselves at any given time as we pull our reality into existence.

This is why the Himalayan Meditation Technique is the single most powerful practice we have. Because it is a full, comprehensive tool set for manifestation. In the Vedic tradition, we would do a Puja – a sacred ritual before our meditation. This would potentialise our meditation and intentions at the end even more.

So coming back to the tools of Energy Medicine – the utilisation of Intention as we mentioned above during the set up of the protection prism around your system is imperative as this creates a strong electromagnetic resonance. 

The same applies for self healing and healing of others. The first principle of using reiki to heal is our Intention. Having a clear and pure intention for the highest and greatest good for yourself and your client is crucial. “For the highest and greatest good” is ike a disclaimer – or safeguard – so that even when we aren ot fully present or clear, the intention will be.

So coming back full circle – intentions manifested deep from within in your heart and Soul, from a place of fully acknowledging the related vulnerabilities and clearing the burdens surrounding them, as well as offering something powerful first within the realm of elemental alchemy – gives us the potential for the highest opportunities for effortless manifestation. With this technique, we cam amplify the power, effectiveness and amplitude of the healing that takes place for ourselves and others. 

This is how to become a Master Manifestor and in the process, activate your innate powerful inner technologies! Are you ready to go on this journey? To identify the hurdles, blocks and bondage to this, past and ancestral life karma that holds you back? Consider coming to work with me through Integrated Therapy or Internal Family Systems.

Or book a Discovery Call with me to explore and find out more.

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