The Six Guiding Forces Of Our Soul Blueprint

Do you know what the most influential forces for our system are? This time blesses us with  an opportunity  to see what’s useful and what’s not for our learning, growth and expansion, and to channel a new, vibrant energy into prioritising where we place your energy. There is a lot of great spiritual insight to be seen at this time. So, I want to share with you some of the incredible guiding forces that are moving us into our future potential and hope that this helps you align to your Soul Blueprint and focus in on what’s relevant to your path…

  1. Celestial bodies including planets, Earth, zodiac and Nakshatra constellations.

  2. DNA coding including our ancestral line.

  3. Past life karma (conditioning) and punya (merit).

  4. The stories of what happened to us in this life.

  5. Guides.

  6. The Higher Self.

Wow. Just reading this list makes me excited about the potential of human experience. When we break it down in this way – we can get a clear Blueprint of our journey for this life.

It can be really confusing out there at spiritual cyber-sea with alluring workshops and trainings, people we know sharing what works for them, and fear-mongering sales pitches that lead us to believe we lack something. It can be a challenge to discern between it all and know what’s beneficial to us and aligned to our journey.

So here are my top enquiry tips to help you get deeper into learning about how the six guiding forces are influencing you.

  1. Do you have a natural curiosity for Astrology, a particular planet, zodiac or feel the influence of the Moon or Sun? Do you have a  longing or curiosity to deepen your connection to the Celestial forces? They may be calling you.

  2. Do you want to break Ancestral patterns that repeat through you? Do you want to activate your DNA to develop your superpowers? You may be opening to receive new and upgraded coding.

  3. Are there certain skills you have or knowledge you have that dont feel ‘new’? Do you sometimes feel like you’ve been here before and are just continuing your work? You may have subtle memories of past lives.

  4. Do you feel that you have some important lessons to learn from your own life journey that are going to help others to grow and evolve? Your karma and built up knowledge from the past may be your richest treasure.

  5. Do you feel that you are guided or supported by unseen forces? Do you have animals, plants, angels, deities or other guides often appearing in your life? Your guides may be connecting with you.

  6. Are there times when you feel a strong and deep ‘knowing’ inside and get a message or guidance? It can be so strong you don’t even question it – you know you must follow it. Your Higher Self may be sharing information with you.

If you want to learn how to tap deeper into your Soul Blueprint and have greater access to skills, tools and guidance, from these 6 forces and more… Take a look at out new practitioner training programme starting in September. In this course, we cover working with these six guiding forces to guide you to realise and step into your potential.

 ∞   E N E R G Y   M E D I C I N E    P R A C T I T I O N E R   T R A I N I N G  ∞

Tuesday 20th September 2022 – Tuesday 10th January 2023

∞ Learn to be  a trauma and IFS-informed energy healing facilitator with robust therapeutic skills ∞

Information & Registration

Key Benefits:

▵ Be safely held and guided through your inner healing journey, processes and challenges and feel confident to do the same for your clients

▵ Learn how to work with your parts, emotions and heal trauma through the basic Internal Family Systems model as well as apply that to your work

▵ Clear karma, stagnant energy and burdens that will take you to the next phase of your healing and understand how to support your clients

▵ Feel confident and empowered to navigate your self-healing journey and those of your clients

▵ Start to become more embodied and feel your mind and body connection come more under your command

▵ Be initiated into working with foundational level trauma-informed wisdom and practice that will set you apart in your field and boost your professional practice and credibility

▵ Understand the basics of detoxification of metabolites, toxins and old, burdened energy

▵ Feel part of a thriving, beautiful community

As part of the course, we are offering optional integration Ceremonies throughout the 5 months to take the teachings deeper and gain profound insight into your Self, skills and the nature of reality.

Feel free to visit our course website and book a Discovery Call to see if this is the right fit for you. We would be honoured to hold this space for you and welcome you into this powerful constellation which is already forming. This is an Energy Medicine course like no other.

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