Honouring The Divine Mother

I hope this finds you in a moment of ease and stillness. Take a moment to breathe in the essence of life in this moment and give gratitude for all that you are. The incredible beauty held in this moment is what feeds us life force and luminosity, can you feel it?

Over the last few weeks, I have been undergoing an Initiation with my teacher Anand Mehrotra from Sattva Yoga Academy in the Himalayas. The Initiation is into Nitya Devi – the 15 Nityas that are the finer expressions of Lalitha Tripura Sundari, the keeper of the Sri Yantra and the representation of the Divine Mother. 

In the Yog-Himalayan Vedantic Tantric lineage of which is my ancestral tradition is a non-dual tradition that sees the Devis and Devas – the Goddesses and Gods – as finer expressions of the whole, unified field of consciousness – God – or Source energy. And it is through these Devas/Devis that we can learn about, innerstand and experience the finer expressions of energy of the cosmos.

We have through the body of knowledge of the ancient scriptures, the wisdom on the 3 dimensions of existence… The first dimension being the whole – God or Unity consciousness, in which Shiva (formless; silence) and Shakti (form; matter) is contained. 

In the second dimension of existence, Shiva and Shakti are differentiated – both forming the two fundamental aspects of duality that is inherent in all of nature – the very fundamental and foundational natural law that allows matter to collapse into the relative reality we call the time-space reality. The Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine principle. 

The third dimension of existence is the Divine Mother. As Shakti – taken on in form by Lalitha Tripura Sundari – turns away from Shiva through a desire to experience herself, that impulse that is generated sets a whole play of electromagnetic pulsation in motion that creates and births everything else. This is the very act of the Divine Mother birthing all of the cosmos and the multiverse that exists.  

And so it is that everything contained and birthed through her is Shakti. Everything that is born is from the energy of love. The Sublime and Supreme sound and light creates everything and everything is her. You and me, the beautiful and the ugly. The joy, excitement, butterflies, mountains, rivers, planets and star systems; as well as the weapons, poisons, guilt, shame and hatred. It all comes from the same place.   

It doesn’t mean we have to like or want it, or be silent about harms and injustices; or turn away from harmful matters and suffering. All is truth in some form.

The more we come to accept the fundamental nature of reality, the more we come to ease with the nature of humanity and can see the bigger picture. We can choose the reality that we want to create – and utilise our purified thoughts, prayers and intentions to pull in a reality that we so desire. We can choose not to become a victim to suffering and pain and see the inherent beauty in the experience of the Mother experiencing herself through it.  

This may be a big ask for many of you right now… I am not saying it is a time for bypassing our burdens, karma and samskaras (traumas) – indeed, it is a time for meeting ourselves where we are at – knowing that light at the end of the tunnel is a place of inner peace and knowing we are part of the bigger Divine plan. 

Just in the same way we are birthed by the Divine Mother, we are also her – birthing life through our expressions, creations, art, our acts of service and energies we put into the field. We can only experience her truly once we have cultivated the ability to perceive her. By refining our nervous and energy system, we refine our perception and begin to move in the direction of love, self-realisation and recognition of our intrinsic, boundless connection to the web of life and grid of consciousness. 

To do this we have to walk through the fire of purification and start to compound our own evolutionary experiences. To keep a consistent practice and stay the course, finding your gifts along the way.

If you are ready to embark on your healing journey, please feel free to book a free Discovery Call here and speak to us about the services we offer and how these can assist you in your journey into your greatest potential.

And if you feel moved by this piece, then please share the blog post below with others that you feel may benefit from hearing this right now.

In deep gratitude to you, Dear One

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