“I Must Forgive Them” is Propaganda

The new age spiritual idea of forgiving another is confused. Why? Read below and watch this video.

The act of forgiveness is often seen as both a conscious decision and a state of being. It involves letting go of feelings of resentment, anger, or the desire for revenge toward someone who has wronged you.

Forgiveness is a complex and deeply personal process that can have significant emotional and psychological implications as well as can impact our physical health through the energy of the burdens left behind when something happens to us. But this idea of forgiveness being a conscious decision to release the other person from a karmic bond – the need to forgive the other person – this is something that hasn’t sat clearly with me – ever.

In any case – do we really hold them energetically? Or do they choose to hold themselves, stuck and paralysed with their own shame?

Probably the latter (not that we would wish that on anyone). I’m noticing more and more just how much New Age Spirituality has still to be completely deprogrammed from my system.

I realised what was happening in the past – there was a part of me that remained in victim consciousness over what happened between me and another person, because it was afraid that I’d be judged by others for it.

Both go hand-in-hand. Using this example of forgiving others… In the past, when something happened between me and another person, I would have a part of me so worried that if I don’t do the work on myself to be able to forgive them, then I will be judged by my peers for not being good enough.

So I went on these long processes for years on end sometimes, torturing my parts with this relentless see-saw journey of “working on myself to be able to forgive someone else. Wow. Thank god that’s done now!

Forgiveness is a natural state of being. For those who’ve stabilised at a certain level into unconditional love, or Cosmic Consciousness – we don’t need to forgive another person – only ourself.

We forgive ourself for whatever burdens we took on that caused us to become and stay hurt and kept us in victim consciousness, continually suffering. For it was not them that did something to me – it was me that chose to be affected by them. And we so we no longer need block the other person’s journey into their healing by energetically projecting our blame onto them (they can so feel it – whether consciously or unconsciously!).

And when we realise that there is no separation – that we are all God – generating different versions of itself in this playground – the only ONE left to forgive is me.

Unconditional loving trumps it all. And so in forgiveness, we come back to unconditional love for ourself and the other – it engulfs it all.

Ooooooo, I am LOVING exploring greater depths of space-holding!

Hope you get a chance to watch this video I made the other day, Your comments please!

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