Natasha Anand Boojihawon

Entheogens and psychedelics are powerful substances that have completely and irreversibly altered the medical and healthcare landscape. These are the medical, therapeutic, mind-altering and consciousness expanding agents of the future and my role is to support you to prepare, navigate and integrate these journeys.

Having worked regularly with entheogens and psychedelics in various settings and under dietas for the last 12 years, I have an embodied and visceral experience of Psychedelic Medicine. I have experienced firsthand the deep profound healing and consciousness expansion that journeying with these medicines and sacraments brings.

The ability for these substances to quantum leap us forward into our potential, highest and greatest good is part of what makes them so effective and such game-changers.

So much mystery still surrounds these medicines and sacraments, however  we do know that the science stands up very tall. In fact, the science is demonstrating very clearly, the profound and overwhelming efficacy of these medicines in comparison to SSRI’s and other psychiatric and emotional health related medications.

Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy, as well as Microdosing and other Psychedelic Interventions have also demonstrated remarkable results for health, wellness and overcoming trauma, addiction and with palliative care.

Over the last 20 years, I have trained in various studies, therapeutic modalities and with teachers, guides and the plants themselves in order to be ready to guide and support people who wish to journey with these medicines. In fact, there is not one specific course which has enabled me to do this – it’s lifetimes of experience, a deep connection to my guides, teachers and the plants themselves, as well as whole array of training in modalities integrated through layers of energy, somatic and internal parts awareness.

I have developed a particular Integrated Approach to Psychedelic Exploration – watch an interview with me where I talk about it here.

I am delighted to offer a number of ways in which I can support clients to prepare for, navigate and integrate psychedelic experiences. However for my Signature fully guided Psychedelic Integration programme – see the details below.

Discover Full Psychedelic Integration Support

  • Understand the potential harms, risks and blocks including how to navigate them, reach out for help and remain Sovereign in your journey
  • Receive guidance to choose which medicine is relevant for you at this time, understanding the different potential influences on the inner system and different potential health outcomes
  • Get clarity on your intentions and desires to journey with psychedelics
  • Learn inner resourcing, regulation and navigation tools like energy work, pranayama and parts dialoguing
  • Integrate and utilise the IFS model/skills within various psychedelic exploration settings.
  • Get access to a range of preparatory protocols with relation to nutrition, cleansing and more
  • Cultivate a strong level of stability, trust, confidence, and courageousness
  • Learn to integrate your experiences and relax back into the inner standing and wisdom of Self/Higher Self, to receive teachings and insight
  • Cultivate life-long tools and skills for your powerful, evolving journey deeper into the Great Mystery
  • Learn ultimately, to become the pilot of your journey

I currently offer a minimum package of 12 x 1 hour sessions revolving around the themes of Preparation, Navigation and Integration for psychedelic exploration, with a unique and powerful Integrative approach that I have developed over the last 12 years using;

△ Infernal Family Systems processes △ Energy regulation tools △ Integrated Yoga, Mindfulness and Meditation practices △ Somatic and movement practices

Join me for a free consultation to explore if this programme is right for you.

The following Earth Clinic programmes are also designed to support Psychedelic Integration

I share practitioner programme, teacher training programmes, online courses and other support through a company
I co-founded with Roop Singh Sagar, Earth Clinic & Earth School. All of these programmes and services are designed with Psychedelic Exploration and Integration at the heart.

Want to explore which pathway is right for you?


“My journey has been absolutely life changing! I am able to meet myself & others more lovingly, understand the internal system of the mind better, work through layers, traumas & process my healing with being held by Natasha. She has guided me to feel more empowered & in tune with myself and given me the tools & practices that I can use on a daily basis. I have learnt to slow down, enhance my self awareness & intuition, speak my truth, hold space for myself & others. I am so grateful to have their guidance & support to help me move forward on my journey.”


“ I couldn’t think of a safer place to be to learn, grow and heal.”


“Natasha has many years of working in communities using a deeply holistic approach. She understands well the challenges of working with marginalised communities and vulnerable people at the grass roots. She is passionate in her vision for supporting people to deliver the best outcomes and remain well and healthy as workers and individuals.”


“The space that Natasha had carefully and loving created was sacred in that it allowed me and others to share and/or express our in securities without the fear of judgement. It felt so freeing to be able to be vulnerableyet safe.Through this experience, I found acceptance for who I am. I do believe this was because of the way Natasha just naturally allows everyone to just be.That in itself is a uniquely personal experience. She has an amazing gift”


“I joined to understand who I am & the reasonwhy I want to be a holistic practitioner, what itmeans & have a deeper understanding of how to move forward with my own practice. I feel I now have the confidence & tools to make it my lifestyle & career.”


“Natasha’s training was amazing! I learned theory& practiced the tools. I left inspired, motivated & more confident. Her training would benefit everyone who would like to gain a deeper understanding of a holistic approach.”


“Mentors & teachers like Natasha are priceless, particularly during this time in our evolution. How grateful & blessed I feel to have herin my corner, initiating & empowering us all to reach our own full potential.”


Please Note This Disclaimer: None of the information on this webpage, or on any other part of this site or associated sites constiutes for medical advice or guidance - and we do not encourage or condone the use of illegal or harmful substances. Natasha Anand Boojihawon is not held responsible forany person's individual actions and anyone seeking information from this website must also consult a licensed medical practitioner in relation to any matters concerning thier health wellbeing and any prposed protocols.