Natasha Anand Boojihawon

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Poor Sleep Impacts Immune Function

Poor Sleep Impacts Immune Function

Sleep plays a vital role in maintaining overall health, yet millions struggle with sleep deprivation, often unaware of its profound...
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5 Simple Things To Maintain A Balanced & Strong Immune System

5 Simple Things To Maintain A Balanced & Strong Immune System

Sometimes the energy feels dense, as if two oceans have suddenly collided. And sometimes we can feel the weight of...
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Mayan Calendar & Vedic Astrology Synthesis – Cosmic Insights

Mayan Calendar & Vedic Astrology Synthesis – Cosmic Insights

We hope that you caught the very auspicious launching of COSMIC INSIGHT the Synthesis of two incredible systems and cosmologies…...
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Embrace Energy Work: Getting Intimate with Your Own System

Embrace Energy Work: Getting Intimate with Your Own System

Navigating the realms of consistency and discipline is a ubiquitous struggle in our contemporary world. Even when we possess the...
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What It Takes To Hold-Space

What It Takes To Hold-Space

As a community, we journey together through the transformative landscape of healing and self-discovery, and with that we support one...
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Our Journey Till Now (May 2024)

Our Journey Till Now (May 2024)

We pray this message finds you well and with joy in your heart… Have you taken a moment to tune...
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Transformational Healing & Consciousness Teachers

Transformational Healing & Consciousness Teachers

Embarking on a journey of personal transformation through healing techniques is something central to most of us... Cultivating positive change...
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Creating Stability & Preparing For Deep Inner Work Leads To Inner Peace

Creating Stability & Preparing For Deep Inner Work Leads To Inner Peace

In the sacred voyage of trauma healing, a pivotal prerequisite emerges: the cultivation of inner stability through the practice of...
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Honouring The Divine Mother

Honouring The Divine Mother

I hope this finds you in a moment of ease and stillness. Take a moment to breathe in the essence...
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Eclipse Energy 8/4/24

Eclipse Energy 8/4/24

Eclipse energy can be disturbing to the very sensitive nervous systems of the human mind and body due to the...
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An Equinox Reading

An Equinox Reading

We send you blessings as you step through this next seasonal Gateway of the Equinox, depending on your geographic location...
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Prioritising Self-Care Amidst Earth’s Challenges Is A Necessity

Prioritising Self-Care Amidst Earth’s Challenges Is A Necessity

Prioritising self-care amidst Earth's growing challenges is a vital necessity. In a world grappling with an array of unprecedented challenges,...
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Explore Essential Energy Healing Techniques

Explore Essential Energy Healing Techniques

We hope that you are in a moment of peace and ease, as you take some space to open this...
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Bring Maha Shivratri Into Your Life

Bring Maha Shivratri Into Your Life

Maha Shivratri is a very sacred Vedic celebration of the deity Shiva - celebrated through silence, introspection and devotion. It...
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Speak Authentically

Speak Authentically

During these epic times on planet Earth, many of us are deeply contemplating how we are being moved and affected...
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Activate The Heart

Activate The Heart

This article was written by my beloved Roop Singh Sagar, who shares this transmission as a guide to those wanting...
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Our Role In Transforming Collective Karma

Our Role In Transforming Collective Karma

At the time I originally shared this transmission, I was preparing for an initiation over Winter Solstice 2023, which was...
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Navigating Relationship Dynamics

Navigating Relationship Dynamics

It’s so important to stay centred in ourselves to allow our intimate relationships to flourish. And by intimate relationships, I...
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We Create Our Reality – Everything Is Inside Us

We Create Our Reality – Everything Is Inside Us

NOTHING EXISRS OUTSIDE OF US Here is a video I made breaking down the Matrix and our part in it....
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Upgrade Your Professional Practice NOW

Upgrade Your Professional Practice NOW

I wanted to let you know about the launch of our new Supervision Service. If you are a Practitioner, Space-Holder,...
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Becoming A Galactic Warrior

Becoming A Galactic Warrior

I’m feeling so elated about the work that we do at Earth School and the incredible practitioners that we guide...
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Look Inward With The Support Of Our Distant Healing Group

Look Inward With The Support Of Our Distant Healing Group

As I sit down to write this article I find myself drawn to share with you the wisdom I am...
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Feeling Hopeless About Global Violence?

Feeling Hopeless About Global Violence?

I send this message with love and peace, dear one and pray that you are well and rested after the...
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Give YourSelf Forgiveness

Give YourSelf Forgiveness

I hope this transmission finds you in a moment of peace. Take this time to connect your roots into the...
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We Are Galactic Warriors

We Are Galactic Warriors

In deep reverence to these GALACTIC WARRIORS who are consciously leading our beautiful planet into the new epoch. We are...
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“I Must Forgive Them” is Propaganda

“I Must Forgive Them” is Propaganda

The new age spiritual idea of forgiving another is confused. Why? Read below and watch this video. The act of...
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The Missing Links In Leadership & Professional Practice

The Missing Links In Leadership & Professional Practice

What's missing? Leading from an embodied Self. In this video, I share a little bit about my own journey in...
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An Integrated Approach To Psychedelic Exploration – Stewards Of The Sacred Summit

An Integrated Approach To Psychedelic Exploration – Stewards Of The Sacred Summit

  What is an integrated approach to healing and consciousness expansion? In the pursuit of enhanced health and expanded consciousness,...
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Leading From Self Is Crucial For These Times

Leading From Self Is Crucial For These Times

Why may so many spiritual teachers broadcasting angrily on social media missing the point? Because of a combination of two...
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UK Breakthroughs In Psilocybin Treatment

UK Breakthroughs In Psilocybin Treatment

Did you know that studies have shown that a single dose of psilocybin is enough to reduce depression symptoms for...
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The Collective Consciousness Is Expressing Itself In Gaza

The Collective Consciousness Is Expressing Itself In Gaza

What is arising on Earth is a result of our collective shadow, and in this video, I share a deeper...
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Why Self-Leadership Is Important In Challenging Times

Why Self-Leadership Is Important In Challenging Times

Self-leadership is what this time is demanding of us. Do you want to know how to step into your highest...
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Path of the Paradigm-Shifting Practitioner

Path of the Paradigm-Shifting Practitioner

When I was training as a Coach over a decade ago, I was blessed to have 2 incredible teachers, Anne-Marie...
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AI, Health & New Paradigm Impact

AI, Health & New Paradigm Impact

We’d like to talk about something very much on our ever-expanding minds at the moment - Artificial Intelligence (AI)- which...
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Lionsgate Potential For Earth + Ritual

Lionsgate Potential For Earth + Ritual

Another powerful astrological portal opens, this time with the potential of collapsing into the most favourable timeline for Earth. Within...
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What Is Your Dharma?

What Is Your Dharma?

The word dharma gets thrown around a lot, and I often have people tell me they don't know exactly what...
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The Heartwarming Tail Of Columbus The Rabbit

The Heartwarming Tail Of Columbus The Rabbit

Dear Divine One,  After a long, full and happy life, Columbus the rabbit transitioned this realm back home. Just a...
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Crucial Practitioner Skills: Energy Protection

Crucial Practitioner Skills: Energy Protection

I'm going to get straight to the point… In this day and age, Energy Protection is of utmost importance for...
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Summer Solstice 2023 – Cosmic Insights

Summer Solstice 2023 – Cosmic Insights

We've just seen Jupiter transit into Aries (see below) which is creating a strengthening and expansion of the Grid Of...
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I Ran A Workshop At Breaking Convention 2023

I Ran A Workshop At Breaking Convention 2023

      Attending the Breaking Convention Conference this weekend just gone was an absolute honour. To be part of this...
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Jupiter – Aries – Ashwani Transit – April 2023

Jupiter – Aries – Ashwani Transit – April 2023

This April sees another magnificent and phenomenally high energy transit - one that is simply amping up the current astrological...
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The Art Of Effortless Space-Holding

The Art Of Effortless Space-Holding

Many of our clients and students often say that they know they want to be in service, or be able...
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Blossoming Kundalini Sadhana

Blossoming Kundalini Sadhana

Some of you joined in the 33 Day Blossoming Kundalini Sadhana Initiation with us on Monday, which was such a...
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IFS + Plant Medicine Workshop

IFS + Plant Medicine Workshop

This weekend I share a workshop for Entheonation (founder of the Plant Medicine Summit) split over 2 days on Internal...
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Three Things You Can Do To Initiate Your Priest/ess Path

Three Things You Can Do To Initiate Your Priest/ess Path

Within the Vedic tradition, the Brahmins were the class or caste of people who 'hold knowledge', particularly the knowledge held...
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The New Earth School Programmes Have Landed!

The New Earth School Programmes Have Landed!

I write this after a week of downloads and insights into the next phase of Earth School, which has brought...
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Is Astrology Influencing Our Free Will Or Is It All Pre-Determined?

Is Astrology Influencing Our Free Will Or Is It All Pre-Determined?

How much of our journeys are unfolding by the grace of our own choices, our own will, and how much...
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Cosmic Insights: Completion of 2022 & Initiation of 2023

Cosmic Insights: Completion of 2022 & Initiation of 2023

I feel many of us thought 2022 would be the year where we came out of the isolation of the...
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IFS Demos

IFS Demos

I know you are a Soul Warrior - because I know that you are on a deep journey of consciousness...
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Epochs Of Time – The Yugas

Epochs Of Time – The Yugas

This time - Dwarpara Yuga (epcoh) is characterised by the fluctuation between awakening and the mundane - as humanity struggles...
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The Basic Communication Tools For Holding-Space

The Basic Communication Tools For Holding-Space

We all hold space in our own ways - for our friends, families, colleagues and tribes - and a big...
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Viral Infections Protocol

Viral Infections Protocol

The common medical narrative follows that viruses are pathogens however this is a debated subject. It is thought by some...
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Why Eclipses Are So Intense

Why Eclipses Are So Intense

Eclipse energy can be disturbing to the very sensitive nervous systems of the human mind and body due to the...
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Cleanse & Activate Your Chakras

Cleanse & Activate Your Chakras

I know you care about your health and wellbeing and approach it in a holistic way. So, I thought you...
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Become A Master Manifestor

Become A Master Manifestor

Often we approach this subject though the simple act of Intention Setting. What is it? Why and how do we...
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Done The Deep Inner Work? Now Rewrite Your Story…

Done The Deep Inner Work? Now Rewrite Your Story…

Recently, I shared with my wider audience, an article about rewriting our stories and releasing the burdened energy held around...
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Working Closely With Your Guides

Working Closely With Your Guides

Thank you for this connection - to have you in our tribe is just what we want - like-minded-and-hearted-Souls who...
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Redefine Your Story To Rewrite your Soul Journey

Redefine Your Story To Rewrite your Soul Journey

If you’re intrigued by the subject title of this article, you may just take it as a sign… Perhaps it’s...
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Do Past Lives Matter?

Do Past Lives Matter?

I'm loving sharing wisdom and a little bit of my experience of the 6 powerful guiding forces over the last...
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So Much Wisdom Is Held In Our DNA & Ancestral Line

So Much Wisdom Is Held In Our DNA & Ancestral Line

Namaste,  I’m continuing to explore the extraordinary support we have available to us, helping us in navigating our Soul Journey...
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We’re Influenced By The Energy Of The Celestial Forces

We’re Influenced By The Energy Of The Celestial Forces

Dearest Divine One,  Recently, I shared on my blog the extraordinary support we have available to us, helping us navigate...
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The Six Guiding Forces Of Our Soul Blueprint

The Six Guiding Forces Of Our Soul Blueprint

Do you know what the most influential forces for our system are? This time blesses us with  an opportunity  to...
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A Very Powerful Solstice Portal

A Very Powerful Solstice Portal

Solstice Blessings Divine One,  Everytime I look at the astrological charts, I can see a little bit more than before,...
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The Healing Power Of Witnessing From Self

The Healing Power Of Witnessing From Self

Are you trapped in the story of your struggle and pain? Do you trust yourself to listen deeply to your...
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Why I’m Upgrading My Approach To Healing

Why I’m Upgrading My Approach To Healing

Why I'm Upgrading My Approach To Healing I used to believe that healing karma and the burdens of trauma (which...
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Fire Ceremonies Reprogram The Matrix

Fire Ceremonies Reprogram The Matrix

Ceremonies working with the elements, particularly the fire, help us balance and cultivate the most powerful energy that can be...
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Sacred Rituals & Ceremonies

Sacred Rituals & Ceremonies

Sacred rituals are conscious technologies, or acts of ceremony or devotional practices that can mindfully be incorporated into daily routines....
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How Unburdening Trauma Connects Us To Our Guides

How Unburdening Trauma Connects Us To Our Guides

Namaste Sangha! I’ve just come off 5 days of intensive training in Internal Family Systems Level 3, offered by the...
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Creating & Embodying Boundaries

Creating & Embodying Boundaries

Watch the video I made to accompany this article As our energy systems expands, so does our consciousness and our...
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The nature of the mind – working with triggers, anxiety, fear & karma

The nature of the mind – working with triggers, anxiety, fear & karma

In these testing challenging times  we go through ups and downs, sometimes feeling overwhelmed and overcome with our emotions and...
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Sweet Coco Red Curry

Sweet Coco Red Curry

Those of you that know my recipes know that I absolutely LOVE coconut. Being an island girl (from Mauritius Island)...
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Decolonising within on a land with an old colonial legacy

Decolonising within on a land with an old colonial legacy

It's 19/12/19 and in at my.home in Péréybere, Mauritius... An auspicious day to be sharing this transmission. Never before have...
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Power Bean Dip

Power Bean Dip

I'm always looking for easy and quick ways to get protein and healthy fat into my meals without having to...
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Activated sunshine smoothie

Activated sunshine smoothie

Between it being summer and owning a new Vitamix style blender - I just cannot get enough of blended drinks....
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Letting go attunes us to infinite possibility

Letting go attunes us to infinite possibility

Let's shine a spotlight on what's important... Radical Forgiveness... We can spend out entire lives "trying" to forgive others and...
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Immune boosting tropical smoothie

Immune boosting tropical smoothie

This smoothie is perfect for summer! Of course it is! You can just feel by looking at it that its...
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Awaken & enliven the new you

Awaken & enliven the new you

We are powerful beings designed to enjoy the full possibilities and potential of life, but too many of us are...
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4 reasons morning yoga sadhanas (practices) are essential for personal growth

4 reasons morning yoga sadhanas (practices) are essential for personal growth

Why are yogic practices best initiated in the morning? There are several reasons but I'm going to focus on the...
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Honey vanilla nut granola

Honey vanilla nut granola

Servings: Lots! Preparation time: 5 minutes Cooking time: 20 minutes Ingredients: 2 cups rolled gluten-free oats 1 cup mixed dried...
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High protein detox soup

High protein detox soup

This week we are in Week 4 of our Holistic Liver Detox 6 Week Online Course, and things are getting...
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Golden Gingery Mylk

Golden Gingery Mylk

Surprisingly I only discovered golden milk later on in life in my 20s... As s child we didn't have it...
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Clear out the old to make way for the new…

Clear out the old to make way for the new…

Completely transform your health and wellbeing in 6 weeks without having to do extreme things or spend ridiculous amounts of...
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Winter warmer 15 minute bean stew

Winter warmer 15 minute bean stew

I've just come home after being away working and travelling in Mexico and Guatemala for 5 weeks and the first...
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Have you ever thought about how the colonist and imperialist structures and forces in the outside world have permeated and...
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5 things you can do right now to boost your immune health

5 things you can do right now to boost your immune health

How many of us wait till we've got a cold or flu to tank up on Vitamin C and other...
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Burden burning kriya set

Burden burning kriya set

Powerful Burden Burning Kriya Practice link here Today - 11:11:11 is a powerful POWERFUL gateway for us to catalyse our...
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Oh Baby Overnight Oats

Oh Baby Overnight Oats

I cannot describe just how delicious these overnight oats are! They are DIVINE! They are so delicious and naturally sweetened,...
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My morning routine

My morning routine

I  love city living, but I know that if I want to stay living here longer, I've got to have...
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Heart opening rose cacao

Heart opening rose cacao

Cacao has been used for thousands of years as a medicine for the emotional, energy and our biochemical systems. It's...
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Berry boost smoothie

Berry boost smoothie

I woke up today craving something juicy and boosting so created this beautiful elixir... We're coming into the very very...
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Incredible immunity… How to boost your immune health

Incredible immunity… How to boost your immune health

How many of us wait till we've got a cold or flu to tank up on Vitamin C and other...
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Clearing out the old to make room for the new… How to detox on all levels

Clearing out the old to make room for the new… How to detox on all levels

What's happening when we shed our internal and external skins? And how do we make it easier? Summer isn't normally...
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Have a healthily indulgent summer

Have a healthily indulgent summer

Want to stay healthy and vibrant this summer? Check out our ...Summertime Food & Drink... ...& Mind Body Mind Hacks... You can indulge...
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The need to decolonise within

The need to decolonise within

12th March 2018 marked 50 years since my country, Mauritius gained its independence form the United Kingdom. Hundreds of years...
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Greens & fermented plum broth

Greens & fermented plum broth

Another quick and easy lunch or dinner recipe from me that can be knocked up in a jiffy! I love...
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Sweet dreams…

Sweet dreams…

Many of us struggle to get and stay in a deep sleep at night and find ourselves feeling tired in...
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Protein packed smoothies

Protein packed smoothies

Smoothies are an amazing way to get more healthy fat and protein in the diet - especially protein which we...
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Creamy cauliflower & rosemary soup

I am OBSESSED with creamy coconut EVERYTHING and I've created a new range of tasty soups that are nourishing, warming...
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Anti-oxidants combat damage from modern living and natural internal processes

Anti-oxidants combat damage from modern living and natural internal processes

You may have heard this idea bounded about before, but why are antioxidants so important? In this article we really...
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Bacteria really is our best friend…

Bacteria really is our best friend…

... And the key to a relationship of mutual benefit is to feed it well... We keep learning more and...
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Lotus Upgrade – our 1st online course launches tomorrow!

Lotus Upgrade – our 1st online course launches tomorrow!

If you feel LOST... lonely... frustrated... uncertain... unconfident... on your LIFE PATH and/or PURPOSE... Or if you want to UPGRADE...
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 Beautiful cinnamon buckwheat (gluten, lactose & sugar free) pancakes

 Beautiful cinnamon buckwheat (gluten, lactose & sugar free) pancakes

Ok, so yes its not pancake day anymore and this is a little late - but better late than never!...
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Morninga – the miracle plant (plus my chai receipe)

Morninga – the miracle plant (plus my chai receipe)

On holiday in Mauritius in December, I fell in love with the amazing abundance of greenery on the island, especially...
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What is an anti-inflammatory diet and why would you follow it?

What is an anti-inflammatory diet and why would you follow it?

When we clog our system up with indigestible foods and toxins they accumulate in our liver, kidneys and body tissues...
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Optimise your health and wellbein – start with our Health Checklist

Optimise your health and wellbein – start with our Health Checklist

(Read on to find a gift somewhere below!) This year is UNDOUBTEDLY the year of catalysing change. Change has been...
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Transforming your body’s energy system through food

Transforming your body’s energy system through food

For many of us, keeping our energy up throughout a busy day at work is pretty challenging… And then some...
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Comparing turmeric, glucosamine & Ibuprofen

Comparing turmeric, glucosamine & Ibuprofen

This report shall seek to explore the pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, efficacy and side effects of the commonly prescribed drug Ibuprofen, the...
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Raw almond & cacao ‘Opera’ slice

Raw almond & cacao ‘Opera’ slice

2 years ago, I went to Hanoi in Vietnam and discovered a French pastry, the Opera Cake. Since then, I've...
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Sprouted lentil garlicy creamy pie

Sprouted lentil garlicy creamy pie

Ooooohhh-eeeee! I'm so excited to share a new creation, especially with those of you who like me, love creamy garlicy...
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Why green juices for liver & gut health?

Why green juices for liver & gut health?

I've done quite a few blog and Facebook posts about my juices over the last couple of years and I've...
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Moroccan tagine recipe – vegetarian & clean cooking version

Moroccan tagine recipe – vegetarian & clean cooking version

Try my tasty, tangy, tried-and-tested tagine! It's delicious, packed full of nutrient dense veggies and slurpilicious sauce and best of...
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Anti-inflammatory, gut healing & liver supporting juice

Anti-inflammatory, gut healing & liver supporting juice

So this justice does what is says on the tin! I've chosen the ingredients specifically for my own health needs,...
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Fusion South Indian – Sri Lankan – Mauritian inspired coconut curry

Fusion South Indian – Sri Lankan – Mauritian inspired coconut curry

My hubby Roop was craving this last week so I came up with a Sri Lankan - South Indian -...
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My 19 top tips to juicing!

My 19 top tips to juicing!

My husband Roop and I bought a champion Juicer 2000 recommended by the leading natural cancer treatment centre Gerson Institute. They...
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The truth about vegetable oil

The truth about vegetable oil

  The bit of advice I struggle with the most is around cooking oil... there so much conflicting information out...
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Free-from vegan blackberry pudding

Free-from vegan blackberry pudding

The best summer time deserts are bursting with tangy, vibrant, light and fresh flavours to refresh and cool us... That's...
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What does he know about the afterlife? He’s only a Harvard trained brain neurosurgeon of 25 years…

What does he know about the afterlife? He’s only a Harvard trained brain neurosurgeon of 25 years…

Someone from my tribe came across this article talking about the incredible experience of Dr. Eben Alexander during a bacterial-menegitis induced coma....
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A campaign to investigate the Advertising Standards Authority

A campaign to investigate the Advertising Standards Authority

**PLEASE SIGN THE PETITION** Exactly who and what is the Advertising Standards Authority? Do you know? The ASA is an independent regulator...
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Roast pepper & sun dried tomato salsa

Roast pepper & sun dried tomato salsa

**Updated Recipe** For you moorish monsters out there I've another delicious dippy-salsa dish that will tantalise our tastebuds as well...
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Fluoride is now classified as a neurotoxin by medical researchers

Fluoride is now classified as a neurotoxin by medical researchers

So let's cut straight to it… many people have been saying it for years, using thier logic, science or intuition....
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Spinach & avocado dip

Spinach & avocado dip

This dip is a really fantastic example of how food can taste amazing AND be so so amazingly good for...
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Shut down Yarl’s Wood detention centre

Shut down Yarl’s Wood detention centre

It's been a little while since I last wrote an article and it's because of being totally immersed in my...
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Why gluten is a growing problem

Why gluten is a growing problem

So I've been talking to people for a while now about gluten and gluten free diets and I'm often met...
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The Healthy Family & Home website is looovely…

The Healthy Family & Home website is looovely…

I came across this beautiful website today when researching recipes for an upcoming neighbourly get together and I just had...
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Proof that group meditation can change the world

Proof that group meditation can change the world

I have often spoken to people about group meditation and the profound impacts they have on the world... Many people...
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Tasha’s top health tips for 2014…

Tasha’s top health tips for 2014…

  A gift for all you wonderful people out there - a beautiful Inforgraphic made just for you!
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Can’t be arsed – but healthy soup dinner

Can’t be arsed – but healthy soup dinner

Who said that you can't be healthy and lazy at the same time? Yes it's true that you have to...
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Inspiring documentary about Soul Food and Soul Justice

Talking about changing lifestyle habits is one thing, its more relatable and it's becoming more a part of our popular...
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Milk thistle will protect and detoxify your liver

Milk thistle will protect and detoxify your liver This is one of the 1st steps in achieving optimum health and...
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Our bodies are alkaline by design and health must be based on this!

Our bodies are alkaline by design and health must be based on this!

Check out Dr. Robert O Young's blog, Articles of Health These articles based upon his theory that the human...
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Diabetes is only a symptom; the real problem is the diseased pancreas caused by acids: sugars, carbohydrates, excess fats and uric acid

Diabetes is only a symptom; the real problem is the diseased pancreas caused by acids: sugars, carbohydrates, excess fats and uric acid

JUST FOUND THIS... For AMAZING facts about diabetes that isn’t explained in all the other “information"… Most information you...
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Thai Green Prawns with Red Rice

Mmmmm just what u need for a Monday eve!
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Squeaky clean (literally)

Squeaky clean (literally)

I've just learned a whole new level of cleaning fruits and vegetables before consuming them - it's simple and so...
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Soup & salad lunch (new salad recipe!)

Soup & salad lunch (new salad recipe!)

So today Roop and I woke up and realised it was late, we had nothing in the kitchen for brunch...
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‘Healthy’ fry up?

‘Healthy’ fry up?

I often post on Facebook about my 'healthy fry-ups' and I get a lot of confused responses. Of course when...
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Animal companions – connecting with nature

Animal companions – connecting with nature

Columbus the rabbit is our animal companion... Watch out for her antics in this blog. She's the biggest connection to...
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Late night juicing

Late night juicing

My hubby Roop and our friend Umar are back from an evening out and fancy a refreshing drink to quash...
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Juice info from The Gerson Institute

Juice info from The Gerson Institute
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Juice, the elixir of life

Juice, the elixir of life

The Gerson therapy includes drinking 13 glasses of juice a day, among other things, to beat cancer. Check out
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Salmon and Salad – quick and healthy raw food lunch

Salmon and Salad – quick and healthy raw food lunch

I've been told you can class raw food as being cooked under 48 degrees Celsius or 118 Fahrenheit ... I wondered if...
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Apple and pear juice – health drink

Apple and pear juice – health drink

Simple, refreshing and healthy.... Simply quarter 2 organic apples and one pear, de-pip and wizz up in the juicer. Give...
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