Clearing out the old to make room for the new… How to detox on all levels

What’s happening when we shed our internal and external skins? And how do we make it easier?

Summer isn’t normally a commonly chosen time to detox on any levels, were mostly out exploring the world, right? But something these last couple of months has really got to me… A deep releasing of all kinds of gunk, cobwebs and deeply buried stuff. And so from the muddy water, a lotus flower in me is blossoming, and I want to share with you a little about what happens when we do this…. Shed the old and come into the new.

The Mind

Much of our mind has been affected by the 3 layers of conditioning… Conditioning from experiences or karma from the ancestral lineage, our past lives and this present life. The resulting dense, stagnant, heavy or burdened energies builds up over this “time”, space and these experiences do get cleared in a big way, in between lives, during ceremony, at different initiation points and other events. However debris builds up in the system, much like stagnant faeces that get trapped in the crevices of our gut, decomposing and causing pathogenic issues we just can’t seem to shift. The cumulative aspect of this makes these energies even more attached to the body, or makes it easier for our mind parts to hold onto. Like, you know, old stuff you’ve grown attached to, makes you who you are and you just don’t want to let go.

Trauma plays a big role too in all this… Again, the cumulative effect of trauma on the body creates more burdens for the mind to carry, and our mind gets more and more protective, shielding us essentially from more trauma. Sometimes we behave in stage ways and just don’t get it.

The Body

Just as we have emotional burdens that become pathogenic, we collect toxic burdens that becomes overwhelming for the body and brings imbalance. Toxic pathogens cause havoc in the body by depleting the immune system, damaging DNA, inflicting inflammation on the tissues and confusing the endocrine (hormone), detoxification and immune systems. Pathogens confuse immune cells, for example, because the immune cells are constantly activated and trying to do their job, but with a large pathogenic burden they can’t cope. Sometimes they start to attack healthy cells because they confuse them for other toxins, and sometimes, the depletion starts to occur in the bone marrow (where some of the white blood cells are created) which can also be exposed to toxins that damage it.

Physical toxins vibrate at a low energetic frequency and as like attracts like, these toxins get anchored in place by the emotional toxins, and vice versa. Think of a magnet. If we release one, the bond that anchors them together is broken and the other side can move freely. Which means that it can also be released.


The Soul

The soul, or self is always ever present, holding space for us to move forward and expand into our highest potential that the soul knows, even when the mind doesn’t. Being more connected to our soul and in self energy helps us to connect to our inner guidance and wisdom which creates more strength in the system. So energy can flow to the mind and body to loosen toxins and debris, our mind can then release its burdens more easily and the body can detoxify at a stronger rate.

Detoxification can also be aided by brining in high vibrational energy in the form of foods, light and supplements…

Juicing and smoothies bring in large amounts of detoxifying and protective nutrients that the body needs. Check out an article I wrote about how green juices detoxify and get some more recipes here.

Lightwork like reiki, quantum healing, crystals, breathing (pranayama), meditation, yoga and sun gazing brings in an abundance of light into the body. You can learn Reiki with us, see our 121 Reiki training in the “training” section above. Or how about coming to us for some Reiki with one of our master therapists, Roop or Natasha, hear more about our service and prices here.

We also run weekly yoga classed where we practice breathing and meditation to activate the light body every Wednesday 6 – 7.30pm, see the FB event here.  Supplements help to bring in an abundance of nutrients to detoxify and support the different systems of the body which often are depleted in food. So topping up our food intake with supplements massively boosts the body’s store of nutrients.

Some products that will help you are:

Everyday Acidophilus and other live bacteria products from Biocare – get 25% off with the practitioner discount code P6744 – see link below

Vitamins, minerals and capsule multi-nutrients, antioxidants and more from Biocare – get 25% off with the practitioner discount code P6744 – We love the Methyl Multinutrient, an excellent all-rounder and great for detoxing.

Essential oils contain high amounts of potent nutrients, we have an online shop where you can get your hands on the best quality essential oils here.

I’d Love to Support You…
That’s what I’m here for… I’d love to support you on your journey to detoxify, to shed what no longer serves us from the mind, body and energy system. Sign up as a client under our Transformational Holistic Therapy service so we can develop your tailored 360 degree protocol and transform your being. Reach your highest potential with us. Read more about our service here.

Refer someone for a free 20 minute consultation and get entered into a prize draw to win a beautiful hamper! Just tell the person you referred to give your name!

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