Mayan Calendar & Vedic Astrology Synthesis – Cosmic Insights

We hope that you caught the very auspicious launching of COSMIC INSIGHT the Synthesis of two incredible systems and cosmologies…


The Sacred Mayan Calendar & Vedic Astrology Synthesis

Facilitated by Zoe Brown & Natasha Anand Boojihawon

Watch The Initiatory Episode Here!

Firstly, Zoe and I want to give the deepest of Gratitude to the Ancestors, Elders, Time-Keepers, Seers and Guides of the Maya and Vedioc Lineages, of our own Ancestors, Teachers and Guides for guiding and inspiring this epic weaving of deep consciousness study and active participation in ALIGNMENT & NATURAL LAW. 

In this Initiatory episode we explore TWO VERY AUSPICIOUS moments – the Initiation of the Mayan 9-month Calendar (started on Wednesday) which happens at the beginning phase of the Sun’s transit into its home of Leo (also the alignment of the Lionsgate according to Vedic Astrology). This. Is. Big. And very relevant to you.


Simply put – these systems from these  lineages are here to being us into alignment with Natural Time & Law. With distortions in the Earth-Realm Time-Space continuum with it’s traps and cracks where time is out, we can feel the impact of this on our own experience of life. 

Coming back into alignment with long-studied systems of Time, we can come back into the natural rhythm of time and recalibrate to a full and optimised flow within this Earth-Realm and beyond. 

We are Galactic in nature – and our place in our Galaxy can often feel intangible and far. However, the energies, archetypes, teachings and blueprints within both these cosmologies provide us with a bridge which reconnects us into our Galactic lineages, place and role.


Every so often – we haven’t decided when – we shall produce another update and synthesis of both systems – reviewing the energies available and coming up. We shall explore and discuss the relevance of this information for now and how we can see it impacting our Earth-Realm as well as the weavings of Consciousness. 


Zoe was forst introduced to the Mayan Calendar system 7 yeras ago. After a series of synchronicities, dreams and visions, she intiutively followed a call that lead her to Mexico to visit the sacred sites of the Maya.  During this time she learned of the Sacred Calendar of the Maya, in use for thousands of years by the Indigenous Maya people, Maya Spiritual Elders and Leaders.

Zoe’s Nawal (daysign) is Ix, or Jaguar, which is the energy of the Mother Earth, Guardian of Her Scared Sites and Altars. 

These pilgrimages led her to Guatemala, where she found a teacher and learned to read the Calendar for others. She visited many more Sacred Sites which finally led her to the highlands of Guatemala and the Lost Kingdom of Kan, where she made offerings of the Sacred Jade to honour the Ancestors and committed to her learning with the Sacred Calendar Of The Maya. 

Sincer returning from Mexico in 2019, Zoe has kept her own count of days through meditation and journaling, working with the Calendar as a tool for Consciousness, to unravel from Western conditioning and her own Ancestral Healing Journey.


Vedic Astrology found Natasha Anand during her journey to India through studying under leaders of the traditional integrated Himalayan Yogic system in the foothils of the Himalayas. Following the paths of the Rishis, the Seers of the Acnient Vedic texts, that provide one the of the most comprehensive full-specturm holistic systems of cosmology, philosophy, science, medicine, devotional, physical and energy practices, Natasha found herself in Natural Divine Time with her ancestal lineage. 

Having had no prior study of astrology in this lifetime, the slate was clean to pick back up an old connection to a past life way of life in realtionship with the planets, star systems,  structure they create and teachings of consciousness that they share. Natasha Anand has deep dived into Vedic astrology alongside visiting the Sacred Himalayan Nature Beings and recieving the transmissions of the Sacred Sites in India, Mexico, Egypt and Palestine. This has given her an Channel of Oracular transmission and way of reading charts and intepreting cosmic energies that is pratical for consciousness evolution, transforming indiidual and collective karma and supporting the paradigm-shifting-change-makers of this Ancient Future.


Whilst we do not have a date in the diary for the next sesison – we are relying on your – our community to let us know when and how you would like us to reconvene. The Vision is to hold live calls at some point which you could join and ask questions – however we are relying on our community to feedback if this is something you want, to help us shape this space! Please let us know how this has landed with you and if you want more by responding to this email or emaling Natasha Anand on .

We hope to weave consciousness together soon, Divine *|FNAME|*. Please share this email with anyone you feel would love to hear this synthesis and let them know they can sign up to receive updates from Natasha Anand and her work here.

All our love, Natasha Anand & Zoe Brown xox

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