The Heartwarming Tail Of Columbus The Rabbit

Dear Divine One, 

After a long, full and happy life, Columbus the rabbit transitioned this realm back home. Just a week or two before her 14th spin around the sun, she settled into stillness, in preparation for the journey. Beanie as we affectionately called her, came into our lives before our Awakening, spiritual journey began, to guide and support us on this journey. She was our Space-Holder. This is her story…

In the last 10 months she experienced painful challenges with her physical body, which she moved through so gracefully, that teaching alone was profound.

But that wasn’t the only teaching we received from her. She is clearly a Shambhala Warrior, having taken her Bodhisattva vow, here to light the way and hold-space, to teach us what it is to simply be. No judgement, just pure unconditional love. She showed us how to play, how to forage, how to overcome loss… She taught us the unseen depths of animal consciousness, how these beings come to hold-space and support the purification and evolution of beings and Earth.

She taught us how to love, not from a place of burdened need, but from a pure unconditionally, powerful love.

In her last year at times when our parts would feel sad toward her health situation, she’d fiercely whip us into shape. She’d tell us that our sadness is ours alone, and that projection is not helpful for her. That all she needed was our loving awareness, presence, faith, trust and cuddles. I remember one night halfway through a ceremony when I came down to check on her and this happened, it sent a profound shift into my system that forever changed me. I thought I knew this teaching, but no – she showed me where I was not embodied in Self.

When the cataract came into the second eye, she was sad for a couple of days. But on the second day, we went in search for her as we couldn’t find her. She’d made her way up three flights of stairs, right to the very top of the house and decided she was going to “just do it” even though she “couldn’t see”. She carefully made her way back down the stairs to her room. She had the house map internally. In fact, in a communication with her long time friend Jean, she said that something in the physical body had to give, and she chose for it to be her sight as she didn’t need it. She wanted to remain agile, fit and with her other senses heightened so she could enjoy her treats and roam freely. She said she was fully trusting.

She touched the lives of so many of you, she had so many friends. So many wonderful Souls came to look after her as we went on our travels and weekends away. She adored this time with her friends, and she so loves you. We’re forever grateful to everyone who looked after her, would spend time with her and ask about her.

She was a Medicine Bunny for sure! She loved meditating in her crystal grids, listening to Crystal bowls and classical music. She’s eaten medicinal plants, enthogens, Cacao, Mugwort and scared Thistles from land Jesus walked on! She would ransack the bags of our friends knowing they too would have treats and medicines she would like. She’d often be around after sessions and ceremonies to cuddle and soothe people’s heavy hearts.

She ate the highest grade organic food from Unicorn Grocery, snubbing ordinary shop bought food for high vibe herbs and fruits. Unicorn will be pleased to know we won’t be cleaning out their Coriander stock anymore and other customers can now enjoy it!

One of the biggest lessons we learned is related to the treatment of domesticated animals. Caging rabbits profoundly limits their lifespan, often to just a few years. Many rabbits die in their first year of life due to heartbreak, ill health and diseases heightened through the breeding process. It is thought that 70% of rabbits are “neglected”. I’m not sure what this means exactly, but it’s a powerful message. We’re not saying caging is wrong, but what we have witnessed is that when you allow a bunny to freely roam and feed it as close to the wild as you can, they can live very long, full and happy lives. We can experience their Divine spirit. As one of the beings who came to Earth to give themselves as food and tend to the land – they are highly enlightened beings. Deeply connected and gentle medicine for the Earth.

This is just a snippet of life with Columbus the Cosmic Bunny. There’s so much more I can say that would warm your heart but I know just reading this and seeing her images will evoke a feeling within you that will tell it all.

Life with Columbus was truly epic, everyday was a blessing. 100 kisses in the morning was the first thing I did. Wow. Roop Sagar and I are forever grateful for her presence, play and joy. Some of our parts are feeling the loss of her body, but they know she’s always here and that we are all one.

If you read all of this, wonderful. May she touch your heart as she touched ours. We look forward to sharing with you the major chiefs going on currently in our lives including Earth Clinic & School.

Hari Om – All Is One And That Is The Truth

All our love, Natasha Anand & Roop Sagar xox

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