IFS + Plant Medicine Workshop

This weekend I share a workshop for Entheonation (founder of the Plant Medicine Summit) split over 2 days on Internal Family Systems & Plant Medicine Ceremonies. It’s a huge step for me to not only share the content, but to share about some of the work I do. But I feel so safe with my sangha… So here is some of the internal process I’ve been going through for you Dear ones… 

I am walking this Earth, Sovereign, free and without a shadow of doubt of the light I shine and the  wisdom I’m here to embody. I am going through a phase of clearing the last bits of debris in the way of being truly fearless in the wake of speaking about and sharing the work that I’ve been doing and will continue to do on this Earth.

It’s going to be a slow and steady process and it starts with sharing how complementary medicine has taken me into the depths of my inner world and helped me heal trauma from my own karmic history, past lives and ancestral line. It continues with the journey of holding space for others from the days of the gritty work on the street with young people continuing to the insights from working with front line institutions and now deep dive transformational healing with clients and students.

It’s layers and layers of clearing fear and doubt from the system in order to be fully present in the safe and powerful container that I AM FOR MYSELF. I’m getting more and more intimate with the parts of me that are afraid of standing in the light, of being judged, of being shamed for the way that I feel to speak about the topics I feel to speak on. I’m able to bring these parts of me into the light of the effortless Divine love that I am because of the system I have embedded within me to be able to engage with my inner world. And this is what I am teaching this weekend.

This inner work to tend to my parts and be in embodied Self, is what keeps me and those around me protected. So that I can continue to share the teachings that come through me – that are not mine… They have come through from the DNA and Aether, from all living beings, Guides and Ancestors, that flow through me for anyone to access, while they learn to access it for themselves.

These insights we receive, when we are clearer vessels for the energy of Divine love to flow through, are simply a part of our experience of oneness. When we no longer feel separation at a degree to which it binds us to a mundane existence we are free, liberated and so the wisdom flowing through us  shapes and becomes a part of our consciousness. Ultimately, we are continually creating… Heaven On Earth. And as our consciousness becomes boundless as we merge with all, we tap into the stars that we are becoming in the Cosmos shining our light for all to enjoy.


If you’d like to learn more about how Internal Family Systems and plant medicines work together synergistically to take  us deeper into ourselves, please join the workshop here!



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