Epochs Of Time – The Yugas

This time – Dwarpara Yuga (epcoh) is characterised by the fluctuation between awakening and the mundane – as humanity struggles to pull itself out of the “dark ages” – or Kali Yuga as it is referred to in the Vedic tradition. This epoch is where humanity was pulled in by the shadow aspect of universal law… The Darkness side that is within everything and everyone. It is just a part of life, however, there was a time where it was dominant. Almost as if the collective consciousness itself was projecting our collective shadow. Certainly, we can look back and see the “dark ages” in the Medieval era and in the witchunts. Even though we have come out of Kali Yuga, the pull of it is still present – of course it would be – it’s the densest, thickest and stickiest of the epochs. Its pull is strong and can be seen in the many wars we’ve had in this relatively recent Earth history, and the agendas of corporations and authoritative families, states and institutions.

We are now in Dwarpara yuga – what does this mean? As mentioned above – its early part is characterised by the fluctuation between awakening and the mundane – as humanity stabalises itself out of the dark ages and is orbiting toward the higher frequencies of the Galactic and Universal centers. This means that humanity will naturally evolve into a higher consciousness and human body template. So this time also brings technology and our “battles” with it – again – as we come out of the pull of Kali yuga we learn to use technology for the higher good and not for our shadow, unpurified, karmically-burdened desires.

As we advance the human race – we will get to becoming a species that naturally exists in peace and harmony, with a profoundly more evolved human mind-body template with more of our DNA and brain capacity activated. We may be able to communicate less with words more telepathically, we may no longer have sickness in the body in the way we do, we may be able to create incredible things with little resources. We have no idea of the potential that this epoch holds. 

And beyond this epoch, are Tretta yuga and the lightest and more evolved epoch – Sattva yuga. These are states of existence beyond what our nervous system, brain and heart can even comprehend at this time. We will spend WAY more Earth “time” in these epochs, because we will be living longer, plus experiencing existing in our light bodies more and so the whole dimension of time will stretch as we move in between different planes or dimensions. We may spend 1000s of Earth years on one dimension and just a few years back down on Earth. We don’t really know, it’s just a theory.

Why are we sharing this with you? Because it’s that time of year when people share gifts and well wishes… Where we project our future desires and manifestations out there and hope they boomerang back. And because we LOVE this information. We share it only with our tribe because we know you are on this journey of consciousness evolution and this has the capacity to Quantum Leap us forward… Just this knowledge is empowering. It brings the power back to the Universe, to nature. These are natural cycles. And the more we come into alignment with nature’s cycles, the more we come into our natural flow, and become fully aligned. 

It’s time to shake off the old paradigm, glass ceiling, school textbook limited history nonsense that we’ve allowed to bind us to belief systems that we have to do what we’re told, graft till we bleed and put on a happy face. Whether you actively deprogramme from this, or you bode your time, either way it’s happening. Coming into alignment with these cycles enables you to catalyse your life journey – get you liberated, faster. Having more time to enjoy life and experience what we are talking about.

This is just a little tiny snippet of what we want to share with you but hopefully it’s more than enough. If you want to know more, we want to hear from you! Sonwe can direct ourselves to create new content! 

For those of you really into this – the diagram below helps you to visualise the epochs… The different epochs/yugs have their different lengths. Perhaps with each cycle Kali yuga will contract and contract until Sattva yuga has expanded and expanded (again, due to the forces of nature)  taken over everything we have learned what we needed to and the one true consciousness – God will make it so the universe ceases to exist. There will be nothing left to experience.

All this is happening for you! Please share this article on your socials – our blog link is below… Love you Divine Beings!

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