Decolonising within on a land with an old colonial legacy

It’s 19/12/19 and in at my.home in Péréybere, Mauritius… An auspicious day to be sharing this transmission.

Never before have I been so acutely attuned to the patterns, belief systems and triggers I hold within me that are residues of colonial conditioning. As I sit here on the land in Mauritius, the land my ancesestors came to as part of their path to activating their vision… I am being fed everything I need to see what old energy still resides in me.

I’m holding that space within to really observe it… Something old can crop up that I thought I had cleared but I guess I hadn’t.

Sometimes a part of me feels devastated at what it’s seeing. Sometimes parts of me feel like it’s tough.

The fact that I’m blending a lot with parts of me that want to shut me down is a clear sign that huge karma and ancestral burdens are being unearthed within me that’s shaking up my world. It’s deep, challenging, old energy that can feel discomforting… And it’s all part of this cycle of clearing, purifying, renewing. It’s a crucial part of manifesting my mission and vision. On the path to liberation…

To be able to stay relatively stable, my core maintained and my self in awareness… Evolution is a blessing. I’m so thankful to be here.

We don’t have to have been directly affected my colonisation to have been conditioned by it. Colonisation of the mind and body (and land, economies etc) is still happening by covert and explicit means.

The principles and values of colonisation have found their way weaved into every facet of life, the competition and conflict, struggle and strife phenomenon that is seen as vital and natural to human evolution. Totally normalised.

So from today we can write a new programme and hardwire that into our system. Other programmes can be uploaded that refine and rewire the old programmes too.

Here’s a transmission I did the other day you may find useful, especially if the need to decolonise ressonates.

I’m so thankful to everyone around me whose playing a part in this phase.

Click on the video below to watch it.

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