My morning routine

I  love city living, but I know that if I want to stay living here longer, I’ve got to have balance… My body, personally cant cope otherwise! I’ve refined my morning routine, which I admit, I don’t do all the time, but I endeavour to! And the vast chunk of this routine happens every day!


  1. Get some sun!
  2. Put on beautiful mantra music & move my body!
  3. Drink a pot of cleansing & Detox clove, moringa, guayusa, rosemary essential oil mugwort chai
  4. Drink a glass of my immune & energy Boosting purple juice (recipe coming out on blog next week)
  5. Have some immune system rewiring Pukka Herbs mushroom blend
  6. Keep up with my Biocare liver, thyroid, gut, skin, hair & nails support
  7. Do yoga! An integrated practice of meditation, pranayama, kriya, asana, mantra
  8. Practice S E L F L O V E ~ A P P R E C I A T I O N ~ G R A T I T U D E for showing up today and meeting myself where I’m at.
  9. Simple.

How have I carved out time and space to do this? I doesn’t happen full everyday, of course, but I’m working on it…

The key thing I’ve done is gradually reduce my working hours to 6 hours per day. That’s because looking after No.1 is a job in itself and I’ve got to account for that. I’ve come to terms with the fact that my body needs this much maintenance to be tip top. And thats just me, we’re all different… It may not take you as much as it does me…

The key is to tune into what you need. Like, what do you really really need. Listening intently to all the different parts of your mind – not just the part of you that is loud and clear and is used to planning a lot and making a lot of decisions. What about the quieter ones, the ones who feel like they should have known better when yo get struck down with a cold or flu… The likelihood is, they probably did know better and we can always listen to them a little more intently.

And what does your heart say? What does your heart want?… Listen… breathe… Listen…

Our system knows what we need, its listening and actioning whats needed thats the challenge! For this strengthening of willpower and determination, energy work, yoga, psychotherapy, coaching and movement are all really useful… So… back to self practice!

Be inspired!

All my love x


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